UW ChemE Students

Quick Questions or Add Codes

add codes, registration, major/minor change forms and more!

Graduation Application

There's no need to prepare, just book 10 minutes and we will fill out the paperwork together.

General Advising

If it's longer than a quick question, and doesn't fit into the other categories, choose this one. Includes academic difficulties, personal issues or concerns, adjusting plans, etc.

4 Year Academic Plans

Please use the *https://www.cheme.washington.edu/undergraduate_students/planofstudy* page and create a draft 4 year plan on MyPlan **before** booking this appointment, so we can review and revise that plan and give you the most time for individual advising.

Resume & Cover Letter Review

Please email the cover letter and resume at least a few hours in advance of the meeting, along with the job description you used when crafting it.
Transfer, ENGRUD, & other students

Quick Questions

Clarification on one or two quick things for ENGRUD students, non-Engineering students, transfer students, etc. who are not current ChemE majors

Admissions Planning

In-depth questions about transferring or applying, review of academic plans or application essays or if you have other questions that are longer than a quick appointment.

Declaring ChemE Major with Minimum Requirement Process

If you're a current UW student and you've completed our [Declaring the Major Survey](https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=W9229i_wGkSZoBYqxQYL0nDSUGs7wzBMpzyNgd5-Xx5UMURMODU2Rk5ENllUVkhITTJFV0VUWTRNTiQlQCN0PWcu) and [Orientation](https://canvas.uw.edu/courses/1693775/pages/welcome-to-uw-cheme), please choose this appointment type to declare your major.